Daragh F presenting in front of team in safty Day 2024

Health and Safety

The Powercomm Group is committed to ensuring the safety, health and welfare of all personnel working for the group or any other persons affected by our operations.

It is the ethos of the Powercomm Group to promote and support a positive safety culture through all personnel involved with the group. We believe that if our personnel ensure that they are always working in safe environments, this will contribute to our aim of achieving zero incidents to our personnel, damage to equipment or harm to the environment.

Clipboard displaying paper with ticked off list and circle with tick to the bottom right


Compliance with current health and safety legislation is the principal objective of the Powercomm Group health and safety management system. The group ensures their health and safety policy which reflect Directors’ and senior management commitment, are monitored and revised periodically to continuously improve our safety standards.

Icon of hard hat

Working environment

The group recognises that successful health and safety management contributes to successful business performance and allocates adequate finances and resources accordingly. Powercomm provides and maintains a safe and healthy working environment with plant, equipment and systems of work for all our employees. Powercomm provides training, instruction and supervision as necessary to enable our employees to perform their duties to a high standard and in a safe and considerate manner.

Four hands raised together


The active participation and co-operation of all personnel is an essential prerequisite to achieve and maintain the highest possible health and safety standards. To encourage and foster this participation we recognise the need to consult our workforce on health and safety issues to develop systems and procedures which are both safe and practical in application. We encourage and welcome suggestions from our employees which support our continual improvement. We promote this aim internally and adopt a no blame safety culture where lessons are learned by all and implemented in a continual manner.

Martin Eager (left) and James Cafferty (right) stand on a green field at Solar Farm Ballycore . A solar panel is positioned between them.


The Powercomm Group recognises that the long-term health of our business is directly connected to the health of the planet and local communities. Our Environmental Policy focuses on finding solutions that reduce our own footprint and inspire action in others. Our Environmental Management System is based on the key elements of ISO 14001, which we are striving to achieve. Each Powercomm project identifies and works to minimise relevant environmental impacts and appoints a senior sustainability leader accountable for environmental performance on each project.

Six members of the Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality team stand on a landing in front of a staircase during Safety Day, December 2024.


The Powercomm Group views quality as a way of work not just a methodology. We are cultivating a mindset of “Safety First and Quality Always” – that means doing things right from the outset.

Our team ensures that we complete projects that are defect-free; of the highest quality; conform to all standards and regulations; and exceed our clients’ expectations.

Martin, with his back to the camera, wears a high-vis jacket with the Powercomm logo looking at a Battery Storage solution unit.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Protecting the privacy of our customers, vendors and employees is critical to our ability to maintain their trust. Powercomm fully understands how the risks related to Information Security and Privacy affect our business operations. We take precautions to safeguard sensitive information, to ensure a safe and secure online environment. Our Customer Data Protection Policy highlights our Privacy Policy alongside information on how Powercomm protects customer privacy and resources to help customers identify, report and mitigate risks.

Back of head shot of team in conference room listening to speakers on safety day 2024.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

Powercomm CSR Policy Statements

Corporate social responsibility is vitally important to who we are as a group. Our policies ensure that we rigorously adhere to the highest standards in ethical behaviour, environmental sustainability, data security and adopt industry best practices.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics sets a high standard for behavioural conduct in areas that include workplace health, safety and environment, human rights, harassment and discrimination, conflicts of interest, gifts and entertainment.


Powercomm Amtivo ISO 9001 Accreditation logo
Powercomm Amtivo ISO 14001 Accreditation logo
Powercomm Amtivo ISO 45001 Accreditation logo
Safe-T-Cert safety management certified system for the construction sector